At long last...

North Harbor Drive, San Diego, CA

This is the very first frame shot with my new camera. Finally! I've been without a digital SLR since the home burglary last Mother's Day weekend. It's taken me this long to get together the funds needed to replace the gear taken.

A very big THANK YOU to my good friend Fred Greaves who sold me his Canon 5D body at below market in order to help me get a camera in my hands again. And a THANK YOU to Dave Rivera at George's Camera for giving me a great deal on the Canon EF 24-105mm F/4L IS USM lens. Fantastic!

I am in love with this camera. These were taken at dusk (around 4:45pm). By 5:15pm, dusk was over and the light was completely gone. I love what this camera can do in low fading light - handheld! Now there really isn't enough time in my day to work my day job, make jewelry, take pictures, edit photos... I need a clone so I can do it all! :)

Both photos above taken in front of The Fish Market, North Harbor Drive, San Diego, CA


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