CHECK IT OUT | Kreepshow: Artwork by k.Magana

Blog overload
Oh boy! Is it ever time to consolidate! I have much too much going on to keep all of these balls I'm juggling in the air. If I don't let go of something, they are bound to come crashing down on me. So, to start, I'm doing some blog purging. I'm hoping that a) this will help free up some time for me to be creative and b) keep me from becoming overwhelmed trying to figure out what to share when on which blog, ultimately resulting in my not posting anything at all anywhere.

This blog has been primarily connected to my afotogirl site and up to this point, I've been mostly sharing my photography. But afotogirl is about all my creative pursuits and I am most definitely my mother's daughter. She is a "jane of all trades," so to speak, when it comes to her artistic pursuits. I've inherited that gene. My medium of choice changes as quickly as night becomes day. So I'll be posting here about all my creative avenues save for the cooking. I'll keep my food blog, confessions of a foodie, separate since posting about a new photoshop action I'm obsessed with one day and a tasty new wine the next might be a bit jarring.

In the meantime, I'm saying goodbye to my redGemstudio blog which is where I was posting to chat about my jewelry. I hardly had time to post there as it is. When I have new jewelry to share or fellow jewelry designers to chat about, I'll post here instead.

And now for something totally new here…

Check it out
As a visual person, I'm always feeding my need for creative stimulation by checking out what other artists are up to. Sometimes I find some really cool stuff and it inspires me to get back into the studio or pick up my camera. I thought I'd start sharing some of the inspiration I find with you too. After all, art is meant to be shared!

Wednesday evening I was trolling the "Just listed" area of Etsy and this illustrator's work jumped out at me. I love it! It's a little Tim Burtonish and I fell in love. As soon as I get my next commission, I'm putting a little cash aside so I can order an original illustration from her to hang on my own walls.

Follow the link to her Etsy shop and check it out for yourself.

This last one is the one I want. Hopefully it'll still be available when I have a little extra dough!
